Category Archives: personal

Random thoughts on my 40th birthday

Holy crap, on Sunday I’m going to be 40.  How did that happen?  Seriously. I can barely believe it’s 2014. It still sounds like a year in the future of flying cars and robots.  Actually, I’m kind of happy that cars don’t fly.  Have you seen the way people drive?  Merging still baffles 90% of the population. But, back to… Read more »

What is this feminist photo a day thing?

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I’ve written about photo a day memes on social media here before, but I recently decided to join another one.  Unlike other photo a day things, this one doesn’t have a daily theme…other than myself. The hashtag is #365FeministSelfie. I saw a few people I follow on social media with the tag and read a blog post about it on… Read more »

Wedding technology: websites, social media & more!

Oh how times have changed…When I was out in the dating pool, most of my friends and family couldn’t comprehend the influence technology had on my love life.  Now that I’m preparing for my wedding, I am overwhelmed with the amount of technology available. I remember when my sister got married about 10 years ago, she had a three ring… Read more »

Hershey’s Spreads review

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When the people at Crowdtap sent me a sample of the new Hershey’s Spreads to try, I couldn’t believe it was new.  It seemed like Hershey’s had made a product like this before, but I couldn’t remember when.  Apparently, it was nothing but a day dream, except now the Hershey’s Spreads are real.  YAY! If you are looking for a… Read more »

Bumping the codes for LEGO Minifigures: The LEGO Movie series

The latest series of LEGO minifigures recently came out. This series is centered around the LEGO movie that will be released next month.  Paul & I hightailed it down to the LEGO store at the Mall of America and found 12 different minifigures.

Non-traditional wedding, bridal stuff

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If you haven’t heard by now, I am engaged to be married.  Yes, I am a fiancee, a bride to be. The thing is, I hate weddings. I like the idea of being married, but the hub-bub necessary to get to that point freaks me out. Before I even met, Paul, I had decided that if I ever do get… Read more »

Five Predictions for 2014

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Did you know I have a crystal ball? Seriously. Mostly, it just looks pretty in our home, but today I put it to use. What does the future hold? What will happen in 2014? Yes, I made predictions! 1) A celebrity will do and/or say something stupid, ridiculous, and distracting. Come on, people haven’t you figured this crap out yet?… Read more »