Tag Archives: organization

Wedding technology: websites, social media & more!

Oh how times have changed…When I was out in the dating pool, most of my friends and family couldn’t comprehend the influence technology had on my love life.  Now that I’m preparing for my wedding, I am overwhelmed with the amount of technology available. I remember when my sister got married about 10 years ago, she had a three ring… Read more »

Organizing isn’t just for crazy people, right?

Can you hire someone to organize the stuff in your house? I mean you can hire someone to coach you through life, can I hire someone to help me put stuff away? Not only that, but get rid of stuff too? It’s not that I have an emotional attachment to most of the crap I own, it’s just that I… Read more »

Man caves…can we just stop?

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You know why I hate this term? The implication is that men are not as in charge of the things in the house as women. It also lends an air of a “clubhouse” where women are not welcome. When, why, and how did this crap start? I know men used to have a den. I have no idea what went… Read more »

Relationship Milestone: Furniture shopping

I have a love/hate relationship with furniture shopping. On the one hand, I love having new items decorating my home. On the other, I’m cheap. This past weekend, Paul and I went shopping for furniture for our new home. Oddly enough, it was actually pleasant. We seem to be on the same page about the important furniture issues, value, seating… Read more »

Beauty Product Storage: How do you organize it?

Since I’m still settling into my new place, one of the challenges I face has to do with my beauty products.  About a year and a half ago, I bought this organizer at Target.  It was great for splitting up my numerous products. Plus it was easy to carry from one room to another since I wasn’t living in my… Read more »