Back in 1989, the second installment of the Back to Future series mesmerized my 15 year old self. October 21, 2015 just looked AWESOME! Now, I watch it as a 41 year old in the actual year of Back to the Future II and I go, “Where is half that stuff?!?” So, let’s look at what I wish we had: Hoverboard My husband… Read more »
Yes, I know that the summer is half over, but there are still a few good movies coming out over the course of the rest of the year and these are the ones I’m looking forward to:
I love movies. My husband is a music geek. There is a time when the two of these intersect in a movie. The other day I was thinking about the movies that have great soundtracks. Here is a list of my favorites in no particular order: Great movie soundtracks #1 – Blues Brothers Honestly, watch this movie simply for the… Read more »
The latest series of LEGO minifigures recently came out. This series is centered around the LEGO movie that will be released next month. Paul & I hightailed it down to the LEGO store at the Mall of America and found 12 different minifigures.
While I enjoy most of the Marvel movies Stan Lee has been putting out for the past decade, this one is no exception. The only problem is that I kept comparing it to Star Wars. Combining Nordic mythology with space is awesome. I never would have imagined Norse gods and demons as aliens and/or having space ships. Also, I enjoy… Read more »
Hot Fuzz is one of my favorite movies, so when I see that Edgar Wright has a new movie out, I have to go see it as soon as possible. If you haven’t seen the first two movies in the “Cornetto Trilogy”, you won’t be lost when you watch this movie, but you will miss out on certain joys. Like… Read more »
Even after watching the movie, I still can’t believe that was Jim Carrey in the movie. Bravo to the make-up artist who transformed him. Regardless of how you feel about him, he is a good actor. He’s definitely better than Nicholas Cage and I enjoy Nicholas Cage. So, the movie. If you didn’t see the first Kick-Ass, you are going… Read more »