Category Archives: sports

Random Thoughts on the Winter Olympics

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Next week, the Winter Olympics start.  Yes, I know. Russia is evil.  But, the Olympics have been in other evil places too, I mean, do I have to say Hitler? Now that we have Godwin’s Law out of the way, let’s talk about those awful outfits for Team USA.  Have you seen them?  They look like something Jean Bice of… Read more »

Super Bowl Shufflin’

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The best place to watch the Super Bowl is in Las Vegas. The crowd is mostly men, so single ladies, you might want to check it out. Of course, you have to be able to stomach football, but there’s so much booze in Las Vegas that you should be able to handle it. Plus there’s tons of other things to… Read more »

In other news, BORING

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Dear Sacramento, Aren’t you sick of hearing this crap about the Sacramento Kings?  Since I moved to Sacramento in 2005 they have had one foot out the door.  Sorry, it was early 2006 when the “we’re going to Disneyland!” rumors started.  OK, not Disneyland proper, but Disneyland adjacent-ish, also known as Anaheim. Would someone tell the Mayor that enough is… Read more »

Manti Te’o Online Dating Gone Awry?

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Here’s the one thing I’m sure of in this Manti Te’o situation.  Someone is lying.  Who, I’m not exactly sure.  Let’s examine what the media has finally decided to uncover. Here are a few articles to read.  Feel free to Google more for yourself, but beware it’s a rabbit hole: This is the one that broke the story yesterday by… Read more »

Travel Tales: Twin Cities (Part Deux)

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My trip to the Twin Cities was full of firsts.  I finally got kissed at midnight on New Year’s Eve.  Yes, it took me 38 years for that to happen.  It might seem sad, but it was definitely worth the wait. Also, Paul took me to my first hockey game.  It was a lot of fun.  Apparently, I’m more into… Read more »

Gold medal me.

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One thing I truly love about the Olympics are the totally random sports that get to be played.  In fact, I am inspired to start taking one up.  Yes, me who hates the outdoors.  Me, who pretty much doesn’t understand the point of exercise.  Me, who is awful at playing games. Archery intrigues me.  It was the only sport in… Read more »

Random Thoughts on the Olympics’ Opening Ceremony

Since they held me spellbound in 1980, I have loved the Olympics. The Opening Ceremony is the best part, but why in this day and age we don’t get to see it live is stupid. All of the spoilers are going to be found on the internet, so you might as well let us all share in the global experience… Read more »