Random Thoughts on the Winter Olympics

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WinterOlympics2014Next week, the Winter Olympics start.  Yes, I know. Russia is evil.  But, the Olympics have been in other evil places too, I mean, do I have to say Hitler?

Now that we have Godwin’s Law out of the way, let’s talk about those awful outfits for Team USA.  Have you seen them?  They look like something Jean Bice of the Quaker Factory (RIP) designed, not some high end schmo…I’m looking at you Ralph Lauren.  What drug were you on when you designed those sweaters?  Or maybe you need to get back on the drugs? Were you ever on drugs?  I don’t know. I can’t afford nor do I like your clothes, regardless. My point is, what the hell?

You know what I enjoy aside from the opening ceremonies? The bobsled, the luge and the skeleton.  Those events are INSANE, especially the skeleton. Going down a bobsled run, headfirst on a tiny little sled? You have to be nuts.

There is one event I wish was in the Winter Olympics. It’s seen on the Red Bull Crashed Ice thingy.  It’s basically a race down a bobsled run…ON HOCKEY SKATES.  That totally rules!

If you couldn’t tell, the Winter Olympics are my favorite Olympics. The summer ones are kind of boring.  Seriously, what’s more exciting? Ski jump or gymnastics? Which one is the symbol of the agony of defeat?

Don’t get your panties in a proverbial bunch. I know gymnastics are tough. I’m just not interested in them.  Give me a slalom any day.


4 thoughts on “Random Thoughts on the Winter Olympics

    1. Amy Ruiz Post author

      For our holiday party, we went curling. It’s amazingly physical. Scrubbing that broom is tough work! Not to mention not falling on your ass while chasing that silly stone. Watching it, yes, can be a little slow.


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