Category Archives: news stories

What is going on at that German restaurant?

Yesterday, I saw this article on Gawker about a local German restaurant who hosted a holiday party for a WWII re-enactment group. Aside from the fact that I don’t understand why there are WWII re-enactment groups, this group decorated the restaurant with Nazi flags and was wearing SS uniforms. Yes, I was appalled too. What I don’t understand is how… Read more »

Is it just me, or is it crazy out there lately?

Yes, I know astrology is pretty much hokum, but I really have no other way to explain the crazy crap that’s been happening lately. First a freaking train crashes in Canada practically blowing up a whole town…OK, maybe just a very large chunk of it, still…awful.  And why did this happen?  It looks like someone forgot to check the breaks. … Read more »

Video games: Mario weeps for you.

I’m worried about the next generation of kids.  I read this article yesterday on Play4Real and it basically says they can’t finish the first level of the original Super Mario Bros. That’s world 1-1…they can’t get to the flag at the end.  My junior high school self scoffs at them. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?  The game couldn’t… Read more »

Total Bunk: An Open Letter to Susan A. Patton

Flabbergasted. At first, when I heard about what you wrote in the Princetonean, I thought, “That has to be a joke. No woman with half of a brain and any sense of self-esteem would say those stupid things.” Seeing no reference to The Onion, I grew angry. There are so many things wrong with what you wrote. I’m not even… Read more »

Marriage Equality: Grow up, people.

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It baffles me that people are so weirded out about letting gays and lesbians get married. Their arguments are ridiculous and illogical. Today I saw a new one. If you want to let everyone get married, then brothers and sisters could marry each other. First of all, gross. Second of all, that’s a genetic time bomb waiting to go off…. Read more »

Best Reality Show Ever?

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Dear Norway, Please bring National Firewood Night to the United States.  Watching 8 hours of a fireplace full of burning wood would be better programming than anything on MTV in the last five years.  While I doubt that Americans would debate the proper way to stack wood, OK we probably would, we definitely need something soothing on television and for… Read more »

Singles: Not Doomed

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The other day I got a Google Alert about “dating in Sacramento.” The local Fox affiliate did a piece called Dating in Sacramento, Are Singles Doomed? Instantly, I was pissed off. It wasn’t because the folks at Fox40 didn’t ask a Sacramento dating blogger for her opinion after documenting years in the local dating scene…it was because of this thought… Read more »