Category Archives: friends

Road Trip to Minnesota: Day 2 – Wyoming

We woke up to a cold, snowy morning in Salt Lake City.  A text message from my friend in Laramie was beeping.  I’m so thankful for Christi.  She kept me and Paul updated on road conditions and survival tips.  Apparently, traversing I-80 during a snowstorm isn’t a smart idea.  Of course, we waited until mid-April thinking such weather events would… Read more »

Goodbye, Sacramento. Hello, Minnesota

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The past two weeks I have been experiencing a lot of endings. Today I am unemployed. Work is over until I can find a new job or a new job finds me. I’m OK with this because I need a little break. Yes, it’s slightly worrisome, but I have a lot of beginnings to focus on now. Well, I have… Read more »

Mixing it up with some Sacramento Bloggers

You would think that a beer crazy town like Sacramento would have a plethora of German themed bars or beirhalls if you will. As far as I know, LowBrau is the only one. And while I was disappointed that there was no oompa-like polka music to be heard, it paled in comparison to the pleasure I got from the delicious… Read more »

The micro-blogging site that changed the world…

Seven years ago today, a site launched that would change my life. 18 months later I would find out about it and sign up. I learned about Twitter at work. I was reading some article about marketing and the author mentioned this new micro-blogging site that was starting to take off. At first, I didn’t get it. As you can… Read more »

Damn you, DST!

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It’s that time of year again. You know, when you time travel during the night in order to accommodate someone’s idea that time needs to be saved. I have never liked this change. Even as a kid, I was annoyed by it. So what if I get an extra hour of sleep one Sunday in October (now November), I loose… Read more »

Another Festivus Miracle!

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It’s that time of year again folks.  When the levels of frustration run high what with all the shopping and the family gatherings.  Luckily, Corinne of ExploreSacto has once again put together the Festivus Tweetup. If you aren’t familiar with the concept of a tweetup, it’s basically when a bunch of people who chat on Twitter get together to chat… Read more »

Random Thoughts on Christmas Shopping

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I will admit that I am not a very good gift giver. I’m not the worst gift giver. That title goes to my grandmother. She once gave my sister empty decorated type boxes as a Christmas gift. Seriously. Boxes.  You know the kind you usually fill with a gift…Not to mention my sister was 14 years old at the time…. Read more »