Tag Archives: Halloween

Halloween Decoration Ideas: 5 Easy & Inexpensive Tips

I confess. I started decorating for Halloween in mid-September. The bad news is that I can’t find some of my decorations. They are somewhere in our dark and somewhat cavernous storage unit. It’s not that big, but it’s full. I looked at Target, where I love to buy Halloween decor, but it looked picked over and nothing really caught my eye…. Read more »

Halloween Costume Ideas: Groups of Fun!

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It will be here before you know it. What Halloween costume ideas do you have? If you’re like me, none. However, a good idea is to get a group of friends together and get a theme going. Of course, you have to have friends first, but that’s a whole different post. Worse comes to worst, you can always coerce convince your… Read more »

Bored this week? Play a Halloween game!

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Starting last Friday, there’s a phenomenon that happens only around Halloween.  You might be walking down the street to get to your office or just meandering through the Target parking lot when you notice something odd about someone… They are wearing a cloak. Then you realize that it’s Halloween, but then you look more closely and they are wearing jeans… Read more »

They call it witchcraft

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As a child, I never wanted to be a princess. I wanted to be a witch. Needless to say, it’s my go to Halloween costume. And no, I don’t need to sex up my witch costume. I’m sexy and I know it. Even as a teenager (and yes a little as an adult), I was fascinated by witches. They have… Read more »

Top Five Reasons Halloween is Awesome

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Not to start a Halloween controversy, but these are the top five reasons why I love Halloween.  Your reasons for enjoying this festival of frights, magic, and possible Celtic rituals, might differ, but this isn’t your blog, so moving on… Candy. Seriously, this is really the main reason I love Halloween as a kid. Of course, now I can buy… Read more »

Inappropriate Halloween Costumes: All new wrongness & Star Wars

Why is it that costumes for females are all pretty much the same? I mean for little girls and young teens they are all cutesy. For grown women they are almost all sexy. I even saw a sexy clown costume…what part of a clown is sexy?!? I found it in the Party City circular we received in the mail this… Read more »