>Random Wednesday

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>As much as I enjoy it, playing Guitar Hero is making my eye twitch. Of course it could be the fact that I’m not getting enough sleep.

It’s unfortunate because the game actually makes me get a little exercise. Well at least, I’m not sitting when I play it.


Today when I came home from work, there was still a significant amount of daylight. In fact, the sun was actually shining. The early darkness is on its way out! Until the stupid time changes, that is…


I over heard this at work:

“…I put my hand in my pants pocket and got all excited. “


“Dammit, I just was happy to find some money I’d forgotten about.”

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

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>Random Wednesday

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>Someone moved my lemon tree. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the wind.

Grease is playing at the Arden Fair movie theater tomorrow. I first saw that movie when I was 5 years old at a drive in.

I’m still working towards my goal of making lots and lots of money. It might take me a little longer than I anticipated since I keep screwing up at work. They are minor mistakes, but I worry about the timing.

Is anyone watching that reality show on E! about the tanning salon? I didn’t think so.

1 thought on “>Random Wednesday

  1. Doug

    >You need to bust your ass at work to set that rep in stone. Do that for 3 months and then your golden. You can then can screw up and leave early without worry.

    Those retro movies are great. The Crest does it as well. I saw Coffey there on the big screen. Bomb-bastic!

    Move the lemon tree back where it should be. Nobody should ever touch your citrus without your permission. Remember it wasn’t your fault.


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>Random Wednesday

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I hit 17,000 page views yesterday. It’s a shame most of those hits were from me checking to see if my blog was formatted the way I like it.

Someone found my blog by Googling “cockatoo snootchie“. Dare I ask what that means?

I got my first Christmas card yesterday. Whoo Hooo! Thanks, Grandma!

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

1 thought on “>Random Wednesday

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>Random Wednesday

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>Today I saw a dark blue Mercedes with “Real Estate Stallion” around the license plate.

You can win lunch for your office from this Sacramento TV station. This week, lunch will be provided by Hooters.

I don’t understand all the signs in Spanish at the polling places.

Blogger keeps screwing up my post.

There are 45 days left until Christmas and I still haven’t started shopping.

I think Kevin Anderson is hot. He really churns my butter.

3 thoughts on “>Random Wednesday

  1. SFChick74

    >Maybe if I actually had a chance of dating him, I’d be concerned. Since he’s just a photo on a website or a character on TV, I can just pretend he doesn’t have any back hair. 🙂


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