Category Archives: Thanksgiving

Milestone: Hosting my first Thanksgiving

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That’s right, in a few weeks, I will be in charge of a holiday. My parents are flying in from California and Paul’s parents are coming down from North Dakota to celebrate with a big ol’ turkey. As Thanksgivings go, it will be fairly small for me, only 6 adults in attendance. However, it’s not the actual holiday that is… Read more »

Kick hunger this holiday season

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I’m a fortunate person. I know that just a simple twist of fate could make life difficult.  So, when I was asked to help out with a fundraising effort for Taste of the NFL and their Kick Hunger Challenge, I jumped at the opportunity. What is this? Taste of the NFL helps to raise funds for food banks all across… Read more »

We need a little Christmas

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There is a tradition in my family to put up the Christmas tree at my parents’ house the day after Thanksgiving.  My mom used to think it was a little early, but last night as we were driving back from my sister’s house after Thanksgiving dinner, we noticed at least 3 houses who already had their trees up in their… Read more »

Thankful: Technology

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Not many people can claim to have ancestors on both the Mayflower and the Santa Maria, but I can. Of course, so can my sister and her kids, but that’s besides the point. I know about these two things because of technology. I found the Mayflower ancestors through The Santa Maria ancestors I already knew about, but did some… Read more »

Thankful: Family

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I know this is sappy, but my family is great.  They are all wonderful, good people.  No, they aren’t perfect, but at their cores, they are good.  I know that I am really lucky to have them. My parents are truly great.  I love them deeply.  They helped me become the good person that I am.  They are kind, loving,… Read more »