>Thursday Threesome

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>I haven’t done a “meme” in a while and feel the need to stretch my creative muscles:

::I Need a Laptop::
Onesome – I – Tell us something about yourself that you haven’t posted about before and wouldn’t mind stating on the record.
Twosome – Need – Is there anything you need at the moment? What is it? Or, are you not in need of anything but want something?
Threesome – a Laptop – Do you have a laptop? If so, what type is it? Any recommendations for someone looking into getting a laptop?

  1. I am 5’8″ tall.
  2. I need to find my black shirts from the Gap. I have this bad habit of losing clothes in my own home.
  3. I do have a laptop. I was always against laptops because I don’t like the keyboard, but I like the mobility of it more than I dislike the keyboard. I recommend not buying a Compaq. I had a Compaq and it would crash at least once a week.

1 thought on “>Thursday Threesome

  1. Sonic Reducer

    >1)I have shorter hair than any guy I know.
    2)I need to play poker online at least once a day. I play single teable tournaments and am trying to get better.
    3) My wife has a laptop, does this count? I often use it. It’s a Dell, pretty reliable.


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>Thursday Threesome

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>::Wine, women and song::
Onesome: Wine- or beer? Or do you prefer your beverages non-alcoholic?
Twosome: Women- and men. We’re entirely different creatures. What do you think makes the opposite sex tick? Or do you consider their behaviour a complete mystery?
Threesome: and Song- What’s your favorite song? Your favorite band/ musician?

How about you? When you’re ready, post your answers in your own space, and leave a comment here so we can find you!

My Answers:

I actually enjoy wine and beer. Ok, and some hard liquor too. I enjoy wine more than beer, though. I always have bottles of cheap Pinot Noir sitting in my kitchen just waiting to be drunk. And there’s nothing like a crisp Chardonnay, fresh sour dough bread, and pepper jack cheese for lunch. If you can have that meal as a picnic on the coast, then it’s a little slice of heaven. Could I be more Californian?

If I knew what made men tick, I would 1) be rich because I could write a book about them and make millions, 2) not be single.

My favorite band…I have so many favorites, just look at my profile. INXS, Cinderella, Prince. My favorite song varies with my mood. Right now, I’d have to say that Good Times by INXS and Jimmy Barnes is at the top of my list. Not to mention The Things We Do For Love by .38 Special. and Magic by Olivia Newton John.

1 thought on “>Thursday Threesome

  1. Mike Abernathy

    >I love wine and beer (coolers too, but you didn’t ask about those), and only rarely drink hard liquor. I’m fairly light on how much of them I drink now though. I love to go wine tasting (did Napa a couple years ago, which was a blast, and do the Oregon vineyards 1-2 times a year). Beer wise I’m like I am with wine – Bud isn’t going to cut it (much as Thunderbird doesn’t for wine). I love my Hefewiezen, Guiness, or other beer with some “character” to it.

    Women – we’ll, I know you’ve read my blog from time to time, so I guess I would just point you at misc comments there. Every woman is different, and yet they have lots in common too. All I know is that they drive me crazy in both the good and bad sense of the word, and I’m ever so glad we have them.

    Bands….. Hmmm…. So many over the years. Queen has been it historically, but I surprised myself by only rating them 3 stars on Launch while others made the full 4 stars. Much like you’re comment with songs, my favorite band (and song) varies by mood. Fav song of the moment is probably “Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC. I’m really into Matchbox 20 as a band, though AC/DC, Lynard Skynard, and ELO are pretty big for me too (as an aside, I love ONJ, and Magic is among my favs of hers)


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