>American Idol Do-Over

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>So someone screwed up and now last night’s episode has to be re-aired.

First of all, will Paula Abdul be sober this time? She was dancing around like she was at a rock show. I was waiting for her to flash her boobs at the performers.

Second of all, will Randy Jackson be wearing that pink shirt, again? Men should not wear pink, ever. I saw the same thing at Target for $20.Image hosted by Photobucket.com

1 thought on “>American Idol Do-Over

  1. Nölff

    >Randy is tacky. Can’t stand em. He says “Dog” more than he should. He ain’t street. Snoop outa poppa cap in hiz azz yo. They need to replace him with another a-hole like Simon.

    Paula needs to go away. She did a couple of teeny bopper songs in the 80’s and she needs to fade away like Tiffany and Minudo.

    Simon rocks. He tells people whats on his mind and dosn’t care what people think about it. I respect that.


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