>HP Lamo: Welcome to HP Total Care for All-in-One Products. My name is HP Lamo. How may I assist you today?
SFChick74: I’m having a problem with my scanner
SFChick74: Everything is coming up yellow.
SFChick74: Even blank pieces of paper.
I then give Lamo my serial number, operating system info and whatnot.
HP Lamo: Do you use Surge Protector for connecting the printer to the power source?
SFChick74: Yes (Like an idiot I told the truth)
HP Lamo: Please connect the All in One directly to the main Power source without using the surge protector
SFChick74: This is causing stuff to scan all yellow?
I really shouldn’t call these tech guys because I just get all snarky with them even though they don’t get my snark.
Lamo actually had me restart the damn thing three times before he finally got to the point where I have to get a replacement printer/fax/scanner. I can only imagine what a freaking nightmare that’s going to be.
>I don’t understand how a surge protector could turn paper yellow. Maybe your problem came up on his screen under “misc. other” and he had to run you through that power source drill.
Good luck!
>Do you like this blogger beta? It’s been a pain in the ass for me so far. I wish I could go back to regular blogger. I previewed my first comment and when I wanted to publish it, I had to do ANOTHER word verification. Also, I had to create another regular blogger blog and ID so I could comment on most of the blogs I regularly read. ARGGHH!!
>I’m mixed on the beta blogger. I like how it’s easier to mess with the template.
I don’t like the whole not being able to comment on non-beta blogger’s blogs.