>A sweet family tradition

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>”Why did you move from the Bay Area?”  The answer is simple.  I wanted to be closer to family.  While I still love The City, I love my family more.  No, we’re not perfect, but we seem to get along pretty well.

In fact, every Sunday night we have dinner together.  Luckily, I never get asked to host.  Mostly because my house is small.  My sister takes on that task and does it well.  It also helps that my brother in law is a really good cook.  I have yet to taste one of his dishes and go, “What the hell am I eating?”  Usually it’s more like, “Holy crap that’s good.”
This summer, we added a new tradition to our routine.  S’mores!  My brother in law fires up the fire pit and out come the metal sticks.  
My nephew tends to burn his right up, while I go for the slow roast.  Although I like to singe it just before the graham cracker sandwich is made.
By the way, I don’t recommend the GIANT marshmallows.  It’s way too much.  The roasted marshmallow overtakes the whole s’more.  
I do recommend the dark chocolate Hershey bar though.  Very yummy!

1 thought on “>A sweet family tradition

  1. Kate the Peon

    >I learned this trick last summer – instead of graham crackers and chocolate, use those fudge striped Keebler Elves cookies. Two in one makes smores easier. And I don't like too much graham cracker.

    Also, my captcha word is "agablu," which makes me giggle.


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