>Let’s get moving!

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There are moments when I can’t deal with reality. This is normal right?

What I mean is that throughout the day the realization that I have to move overwhelms me. Granted, it’s only been a few days since I found out that I have to move, but on some level I’ve just been going on about my life like nothing huge is about to change.

I’ve moved many times in the past, but each of those times was on my terms. It was my decision or I had plenty of time to get used to the idea that I needed to find a new place to live. Now, I feel like I’m trying not to drown.

I would really like to stay in East Sacramento, but I’m not willing to pay a higher rent than I am already paying. In fact, part of me wants to take this opportunity to downsize. It would be nice to cut my rent down significantly so I can actually have that elusive dream called “savings”. I’ve heard tell of this thing, but never in my life have I been able to achieve it.

One of my problems is that I like nice things. I like new construction. I want a nice looking kitchen & bathroom. These are things you either have to pay for or move to a newer area for…

I am loathe to move back into an apartment, but part of me is willing to do it if I am going to save a significant amount of money.

Part of me wants to move to Midtown. It’s closer to my office and supposedly where all the action is… Plus, the rents can be lower.

Part of me wants to move out to the suburbs like Natomas or Roseville. They have great grocery stores and shopping. Plus, the places are newer.

Some people think I should buy a house. You know why I don’t want to buy a house? Because I don’t want the responsibility. If something breaks or if a dead rat shows up on my porch, I can call someone to take care of that.

I know my family wants me to stay in East Sac, but I don’t know what I want. Actually, I do know what I want. I want to pay lower rent. I want to stop worrying about money. I want to live somewhere safe…and with plenty of parking.

2 thoughts on “>Let’s get moving!

  1. Mrs. Miscellanea

    >What about Tahoe park? It's cheaper than east Sac & Elmhurst, with lots of cute houses. It's slightly more, um, eventful in Tahoe park but not as much so as say, oak Park (big ups to the OP, that is mah 'hood!).
    I for one, have my eyes on the North Oak Park/Midtown border, or perhaps Curtis Park for our next move…….though I hope not to move for another year or more.
    Don't move to the burbs, you'll miss city life. You have to drive everywhere!

  2. Ms. Chick

    >My sister suggested Tahoe Park, too. I am going to do the parental move in though. It's time for me to grow up and save some damn money.


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