I’m a wedding guest and I need a fabulous dress!

It’s wedding season. Wait, how come weddings have a season? That just seems odd. Why is summertime more apt to be when people get married? Personally, I like the fall better than the summer. The weather is nicer, at least in California, plus I hate the heat. Sweating when I’m just standing around somewhere pisses me off. Sweating in a nice outfit while standing around pisses me off even more.

Regardless, I have a wedding to attend in a few weeks. Last month, I finally decided to bite the bullet and look for a new dress. Stores in Sacramento have limited offerings. So, I was wading though the multitude of sites on the Internet. I was lamenting my fate on Twitter, when a friend of mine suggested I look at eShakti. Pardon me while I get a girly, but OH MY GOD! The dresses on the site are so cute and exactly what I was looking for, something classic & simple, but fit for a dressy occasion.

The best part? You can get a custom size and it doesn’t cost an arm & a leg. Seriously, look at this dress I bought. As torturous as it was to take my measurements, I’m glad that I did. When I got the dress, it fit me like a glove. I don’t think I’ve ever had a dress made to my measurements and look how cute it is!

Source: eshakti.com via Ms.Chick on Pinterest


The only problem was that the order was delayed by like 10 days. The customer service people did notify me and said it was because of a sudden increase in demand. I’m not sure how true that is, but I got my dress when they said.

Because I felt so pretty when I tried it on, I think I’m going to have to order another one.  But first, I need to find some shoes.

It’s too bad I don’t have a date for the wedding. I’m going to look well…fabulous!

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