>Makeup is my addiction.

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>Everyone knows that women like shoes. OK, love shoes. But, I am more obsessed with makeup than shoes. I can easily spend $100 in Sephora and not blink an eye…unless my mascara is flaking. I think twice about spending that much on a pair of shoes.

Maybe it’s because I think my $100 goes farther. I can get eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadows, nail polish and even a brush or two for the same price as one pair of shoes.

I love looking for new eyeshadow. It makes me feel pretty to pick out a new color. I have more than I’d care to admit in almost every shade possible.

I’m not big on lipstick. I tend to forget to wear it. Plus, it comes off so easily…even when I’m not being kissed. And blush? No thanks. I can blush at the drop of a hat and never seem to put the right amount on…I look like a 5 year old attacked my face with a magenta marker.

Eyeliner and mascara are a must. I can’t leave the house without at least mascara…and foundation. Foundation isn’t as sexy as eyeshadow. It’s necessary to my routine, but no one should be able to tell I’m wearing it.

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