>This is not Black Friday advice.

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>I love to shop, but standing in the freezing cold for hours and then dealing with a mob is not worth the price of a sale. Aren’t most of the “doorbuster” deals available online?  Who needs Cyber Monday?  The internet connection at home is just as good as the one in the office these days.

A friend of mine told me how she braved the maddening crowds at a Toys ‘R’ Us one midnight Black Friday to buy her kids some coveted toys. Once in the store, she was overcome with frustration, so went home and found that the toys were available at the same price online with free shipping.  She could have had another glass of wine at home instead of being outside wondering if it was going to rain on her.

Seriously, this holiday season, my goal is to do as little brick and mortar shopping as possible. Most sites have free shipping and I don’t have to deal with driving and interacting with the public.

Although, that would mean I’d have to plan ahead and lately time just slips away so easily. I mean, it’s already Friday. Remember when it was Tuesday? I thought that was yesterday!

Plus, I do like to browse in a store. It’s relaxing and that’s probably not a good thing. But, I’m kind of a cheapskate, so I can control my shopping urges….sometimes.

My mom and I have this tradition of going to Rosevillle Galleria and getting all of our present buying done in one fell swoop. We make a day of it. Lunching at some cozy little restaurant is the best part of a long morning of shopping.

Also, looking for stocking stuffers is a little challenging online. My stocking rule of thumb is that it should be under $10 or smaller than a deck of cards because I have to buy stuffers for 6 people. I only buy one because 3 other people will also be stuffing those stockings. The nephews are too young to participate in the shopping extravaganza…yet.extravaganza…yet.

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