>Who is this guy?

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Aside from dating Kate Moss, does anyone know why this guy is famous? Seriously, has anyone heard a song from his supposed band? He looks like a mess.

6 thoughts on “>Who is this guy?

  1. gigi

    >that’s Human Train Wreck Pete Doherty of the Libertines and Babyshambles fame.

    Yeah, I’ve not heard any of his songs, either.

    But I’ve heard that if you leave him out in the sun, he’ll dry up into a pile of cocaine.

    I should have put him in my celebrity deadpool this year.

  2. SFChick74

    >That guy probably has taken so many drugs that he’s reached Kieth Richards potency and will live forever. Unless he starts climbing palm trees…

  3. Nölff

    >I saw in the paper where he got caught shooting heroine into that passed out groupy chick. WEIRD!

  4. Notsocranky Yankee

    >”Dead” guys are even creepier than those “dead” chicks. I’ve never understood the look in women but that guy is even nastier, especially since it doesn’t appear to be purposely done with makeup!


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