My office is currently under construction. They are sectioning off a portion of our suite in order to sublease it. But, they also have to build two new private offices. One of which, I sit right next to. For some reason, our office manager is allowing the construction to go on DURING business hours. It’s like she wants people to constantly complain.
Everyday for the past week, a vacuum, hammer, drill or other tool is drowning out any conversation and all thought for the first half of the day. “I’m sorry! Can you repeat that! LET ME CALL YOU BACK WHEN THE DOOFUS ACROSS THE HALL SHUTS DOWN THE NAIL GUN!”
Just to add to my stress, some of the construction guys are a creepy lot. This one guy keeps leering at me. I try not to make eye contact with him, but I am too busy to figure out not to look at the person who just came into view.
Something like this happens to my friend, Maria, when we go on road trips. She always seems to find the serial killer looking trucker and makes accidental eye contact with him. He then tries to get her attention by honking the horn and scaring the crap out of me.