>I don’t care what you say anymore, this is my life
It’s that goddamn time of the year again. Turn the clock forward or back or what the the hell ever. It’s just going to make work seem longer than it already feels. Why does everyone cling to this outdated notion that is Daylight Savings?
I’m sick of getting pissed off about this. I wish I could just change all eight of the clocks in my house every six months and not care.
>I hear the powers that be are discontinuing daylight savings time in 2007? I don’t know if I believe it… i’ll have to google it.
>We just started it, for the very first time ever, here.
>That’s a shame. I guess Arizona and Hawaii are the lone holdouts.
>But how will we know when to change the batteries in our smoke detectors?
>Nobody does that anyway.