>What’s the Buzz All About?

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>As I was putting out my garbage this evening, my eye was caught by an odd formation on my fence.  It’s another goddamn bee hive!  Well, maybe bees aren’t living in the honeycombed mud hut hanging off my fence, but some sort of yellow and black stinging insect is! 

I’m still freaking out over seeing it.  You might recall that I found one earlier this year.  Well, that one is gone.  This is a whole different hornet’s nest, but it’s in the same general area. 

I need a glass of wine to calm down my nerves.  I’m still suffering from the heebee jeebees.

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

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