>Staycation all I ever wanted…

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Staycation have to get away…

Wait…that’s not right.

By now, most of us have hear that term. But, what the hell is it?

I’ve heard some people use it as a synonym for day trips. That doesn’t really seem to be correct to me. My definition of a staycation? You stay at home or at least in your own town and act like you are on vacation. I did it once and it was fabulous.

I woke up on a warm Saturday morning, facing the same routine of chores and realized that I just couldn’t do it. I needed a change.

So, I decided to pretend I was on vacation. I slept in. I didn’t make my bed or do the dishes. I went out to eat. I read a book…yes, a whole book! I didn’t do anything remotely productive. It was freaking awesome.

Staycations aren’t so much about what you do, but about a state of mind. Some people have to go to far off lands to do nothing. I can do that right from the comfort of my home. I guess that’s one of the benefits of being single. Whenever I decide, I can just veg out…I mean “plan a staycation.”

2 thoughts on “>Staycation all I ever wanted…

  1. Just Joan

    >I stumbled upon your hilarious blog while doing a Google search for online dating + rejection. I'm in my late 50s, which I suspect is the online dating equivalent to expecting that hell has good chance of actually freezing over. And yet, I persist. At least until September when my subscription expires.

    So far I've had about 15 first dates, three second dates, three dates with therapists, three dates with a borderline who said I was the most amazing woman he's ever met and then dumped me via email the following week, and one text-based rejection from a verbally abusive sociopath.

    One guy was entirely (well, at least the parts I could see) covered with white hair. It was like meeting a yeti for a drink and appetizers. My last date was nice and semi-normal, but he was short and I think I completely blew it when I used the word "midget" in a sentence. Where is my censor button?

  2. Ms. Chick

    >Hi Joan! Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. Those are some dates!

    I'm in my late 30s and it's probably only slightly easier. Then again, I have a feeling dating is a nightmare no matter what your age.


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