It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

whole pieHappy Peach Pie Time, America!

There are two scents in this world that I absolutely love. One is roasting turkey. The other is fresh peach pie.

It smells like heaven. When I was a kid, I didn’t really care for pie. It was OK, but cake had an iron grip on my heart. The older I get, the broader my horizons, so within the last ten years or so, I have come to love pie. Not all pie of course. Anything with meringue on it is disgusting. It looks like it’s going to taste like whipped cream. What a horrible, horrible tease.

This past Sunday, My friend Jen and I ventured to the Farmer’s Market (under the freeway).  It’s not as sinister as it sounds, but it was overwhelming.  There were so many vendors and I am truly intimated by produce.  I am never sure what is good.  Should fruit be hard or soft for baking?  Are there certain peaches that are better than others for pie like apples?

Guided by text messages from my mom and assistance from Jen, I picked out 8 peaches that made their way into a pie.  Notice how the crust is dark?  It’s because my mom used whole wheat flour.  Um, no.  It was fine, but I’m a purist.  If you’re going to eat a baked good, you might as well be bad. Keep the healthy stuff for dinner not dessert.

pie with ice cream


Of course, I am the kind of person who cannot eat pie without ice cream. In a pinch, whipped cream will do, but vanilla ice cream is best. One day I might be tempted to try the bizarre concoction of apple pie and cheddar cheese. I mean everything is better with cheese, right?

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