>Brunch? What is it good for?

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Hello, Monte Cristo.

When I lived in San Francisco, I never brunched. It was more along the lines of stumbling out of bed on a Sunday morning to get food to feed the hangover. Sometimes I went to a cute little restaurant with a friend. Sometimes I just got a bagel and crawled back into bed.

Sacramento likes to brunch. There are 4 places to brunch within walking distance of the place I live in East Sac. All of them serve great food and all of them are usually packed by 11:00 am.

That’s not counting the bars, which I think is odd. Bars serving brunch. What’s that about? The same place I go to drink with friends on a Thursday night is not going to be the same place I go to feed my hangover on a Sunday morning.

The thing about the brunch places? Almost all of them serve bottomless mimosas. And I don’t have to drive there to partake…

Danger! Danger!

If for some reason I don’t have a hangover on Sunday, the odds of my having one on Monday just went up exponentially.

Let’s be honest, I’m way more responsible than that. Sadly, I’m more likely to drink too much coffee because I’ve got chores to do on Sunday or can’t have a hangover on Monday because I have a huge project to work on than I am to enjoy myself and have a champagne, orange juice induced buzz.

I’m off to get ready to go to brunch!

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