What Stirs You? Create a Match.com Summer Singles Event and Win!

Match_logoA year ago, Match.com did something interesting to expand the world of online dating.  They took things offline with their Match.com’s Stir, offline singles events for Match.com members. In just one year…Match has hosted 2,850 events – broken down, that’s 14 events each day, 75 events a week, 320 events per month! Match has collaborated with over 1,200 venues and partners, including House of Blues, Banana Republic, Sur la Table and Warrior Dash, along with local gems in each city. Match is throwing singles events in over 80 cities across America – including events in Anchorage and Honolulu! Over 225,000 singles have attended a Stir event to date.

As we all know, online dating doesn’t really occur online.  The real magic happens offline.  Online dating is an efficient way to meet new people in real life.  Stir is Match.com’s answer to offline events, offering a wide range of activities to Match.com members around the country ranging from large-scale happy hours at popular venues, to more intimate events like tequila tastings and DJ lessons.

In celebration of the Stir anniversary, Match.com is offering the opportunity for singles to create their own Stir event, and if their event is chosen, to work with Match Stir event planners to bring it to life!

Visit Match.com’s “What Stirs You?” Contest Page, now through Tuesday May 28th, 2013 and tell Match.com what you think would make for the perfect singles event to be entered to win. Entries will be judged based on quality, creativity, uniqueness and geographical relevance.

The selected winner will have their idea re-created by the Match.com Stir Events team in their city, and will receive an invitation to attend the event along with ten of their singles friends – all at no charge! In addition, the winner will also receive a free six-month Match.com subscription.


Full Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Match.com

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