>Glad the storm is over

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>I can’t imagine living in an area where storms like the one that passed through on Friday are a regular thing. What a freaking nightmare! I’d much rather deal with an earthquake. They don’t last as long.

Last night, I stayed at my parents house because I was too scared to go home. Nothing sucks worse than having to weather a storm alone. Granted, by nightfall the worst had passed, but the fear was still festering inside me.

I came home tonight to a toppled satellite dish. Luckily, it missed hitting the glass sliding patio door by inches. Unluckily, it’s going to take DirecTV 2 weeks to get out to fix it. It’s on a tripod, so I could go out there and try to angle it myself, but I’ll do that in the morning.

My sister’s power is still out at her house. Her phone is down too. SMUD says it will probably be Tuesday by the time they get power restored. Apparently, her neighborhood is low on the priority list.

It’s hard to believe that Tuesday was New Year’s Day. It seems like weeks ago.

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

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