
      2 Comments on >Twittering

>Can someone explain to me how they “follow” more than 20 people on Twitter and are still able to keep up with it?

I can barely read stuff from the 14 accounts I’m following.  Granted I only set aside about 5 minutes a day (if that) to read the various twits, but that’s beside the point.
Of course, I could twit more often, but I really don’t think anyone is interested in what I’m doing every moment of the day.  I barely care and I don’t really go anywhere except work and home with the occasional trip to a family member’s house.  My intention is more cathartic.  I’d rather vent my randomness on the unsuspecting public rather than my family or friends.  Although a few friends read my blog and twits, but they’ve been warned!

2 thoughts on “>Twittering

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