>Now what?!?

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>I come home to a note pinned to my door. Apparently, some assholes have decided to break into apartments in my complex. The management was kind enough to notify all the tenants as well as giving some tips which really just ended up scaring the shit out of me:

  • Notify the police immediately if you see any suspicious activity or persons.
    (I might be on the phone alot if I did that.)
  • Report any malfunctioning light fixtures to the property management office.
    (The break ins happened in the middle of the day, so I don’t see how this is pertinent.)
  • Keep all windows and doors locked at all times.
    (I need to let some fresh air in some time!)
  • We recommend keeping your drapes closed at night even while at home.
    (Unless they like to be on display, I don’t know who leaves their blinds open at night.)
  • Never open your door to strangers.
    (I started doing that ten years ago.)

Now when I leave my apartment to do to work, I’m going to have to be aware of any and all people. I have noticed some random dude picking up bottles and cans that litter the parking lot. Of course, now I have to tell the management office next time I see him. It might be a ruse. He could be casing the place.

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

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