>I need a three day weekend.

      1 Comment on >I need a three day weekend.

>I’ve been so busy at work that I hardly want to look at a computer, much less try to think of something to write here. I won’t even try to say that it might be funny or interesting, more like confused and tired.

Good example of said feeling:

Today I left the office while on the phone with my mom. I get in the car and say “Damn, I left my sunglasses sitting in my cubicle. I’m too tired to walk back and get them. So what if I burn out my retinas on the way to work in the morning?”

I hang up and start listening to my XM Radio and running on auto-pilot towards home. About 15 minutes later the sun was closer to the horizon and the light is getting dimmer and I realize I have been wearing my sunglasses since I walked out of my office building.

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

1 thought on “>I need a three day weekend.

  1. Mara

    >Hee hee! You definitely sound like you need a break!

    P.S. Once things calm down around here, we’re gonna have to hit some golf balls!


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