>Hello, Halloween!

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What are you going to be for Halloween?  This question usually starts finding its way into small talk around late August.

Now that I’m too old to trick-or treat and too tired to go to any parties, it’s always interesting to see what the kids choose for their costumes.  Depending on what is currently threading through the fabric of popular culture, you can predict at least one costume that will be appearing at your front door fairly frequently.  One year it was pirates.  Another year it was Spider-man.  This year? I really hope I don’t see any Jersey Shore doofuses show up.

We don’t get that many kids in my neighborhood, but a few blocks away where all the rich folks live I’ve heard that kids are trucked in from various parts of Sacramento.  Now if these kids parents or guardians were smart, they wouldn’t go where the masses flock, but would hit the streets just outside the ring of wealth.  Middle class folks have candy to give out too and usually don’t have as many trick-or-treaters showing up.

1 thought on “>Hello, Halloween!

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