>Random Thoughts from a Date

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>Here are some of the thoughts that went through my head on a few of my most recent dates:

Strike one.  Making me sit outside in the 95 degree weather.
Did he just move away from me?
Great. He’s crossing his arms.  Bad sign.
What am I doing here with this guy?
Wow. He’s still talking.
How the hell do I answer that question?
Am I making enough eye contact?
Does he think I’m staring at him too much?
Ooh. The lean back.  Is that a good sign?
Crap, I just crossed my arms like his.
The old “I need to go back to the office” routine, eh?
 Could he push his chair further away from me?

Could this be why I’m getting burned out on the whole online dating thing? I have been on 12 dates with 10 different guys in the past five months.  Each one was because I initiated the contact.  I am always the one who sends the first email, wink or flirt.  It’s EXHAUSTING.  It’s turned into more of a chore than a distraction. 

The only thing that annoys me about it is that I feel I have no alternative in looking for a date.  All of my friends are either married or otherwise hooked up and all of their friends are in the same boat.  Clearly, dating in the office is not an option and probably a bad idea anyway, so what am I left with?  I suppose I could start talking to random strangers in the grocery store.

2 thoughts on “>Random Thoughts from a Date

  1. Three

    >Have you ever tried social groups like http://www.meetin.org? It's not a singles' group or anything … it's an activities group … so you're focused on the activity, not on people. So, if you do meet someone who catches your eye (or vice-versa), walls/expectations likely aren't up.

    I think people put too much pressure on themselves when it comes down to the online dating world. I'm guilty of it as well. I don't think I've ever made it through more than 3 dates with someone I've met online because it just never feels natural.

  2. SFChick74

    >I've had a boyfriend found through online dating. Granted it was YEARS ago when the whole online dating thing was relatively new, but it is possible to find a relationship.

    I think I've just been focused on it too much recently. It's time to take a break.


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