>Everyone has them…

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>One of the many things people like to do on the Internet is express their opinions.  Yours truly is obviously one of those people.  But, I do like to read other people’s opinions, especially when they are useful.   Websites like Yelp are valuable resources to find a restaurant, repairman, and even a doctor because people share their experiences. 

Now as you may not know, I hate going to the doctor.  Basically,  I only think I need to go if something drastic has happened like a limb is suddenly missing (never happened–knock on wood) or if I’ve been sick for longer than a week with no improvement (only happened once). 

Being a woman, however, it is necessary for me to go to the doctor even if no symptoms of a problem show themselves.  Since I’m fairly new to the Sacramento area, I need to rely on references to find vendors for all aspects of my life including doctors.  The problem with finding a doctor in this day and age is that just because your sister or a friend has a great one to tell you about, doesn’t mean that he or she takes your insurance.  This is my current situation, so I am left to rely on the kindness of strangers via the Internet. 

Dear readers, I implore you.  Please leave both good and bad honest reviews for all of the businesses and individuals with whom you have interacted.  It not only helps those companies you like gain more business, but it could help the random stranger find them too and stay away from the bad ones.  Someday, you just might find yourself in their place…looking for a new hairdresser, plumber, or restaurant to take a date on Friday night.

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