
      4 Comments on >U-Hell

>If you are planning to move, DO NOT USE U-HAUL. I called them three days ago to make a reservation. They took my credit card information and said that they would call me (today) to confirm the pickup location. If I hadn’t heard from them by 5:00 p.m. I was to call them at an 800 number. Of course, I didn’t get a call. So, I call the 800 number and they tell me that they are out of trucks. The closest truck available is in Napa (50 miles away).

“Napa? I can’t go up to Napa to pick up the truck. I can’t cancel the reservation because you will charge me $50 for cancelling the day of.”

“Ma’am, we will give you an extra day and $53 off the price fo the rental. Plus, you can call in the morning to see if a truck closer to your preferred location has come in.”

Needless to say, I called Penske and am hoping that when they open in the morning they have some sort of vehicle available for me. I do have to say that the customer service at Penske was MUCH better than at U-Haul. I was on hold with U-Haul for at least 15 minutes.

I’m crossing my fingers that I get a truck in the morning.

4 thoughts on “>U-Hell

  1. 8ZERO8

    >Every time I move, I just burn my old place down, collect the insurance and buy new stuff. It’s much easier.

  2. G-Man

    >I have friends who moved from Ontario to California and went through hell with the piece of crap they got from U-Haul. I would NEVER rent from those bastards.

  3. Anonymous

    >Just had a horific experience with U_HAUL…don’t ever expect anything near right or fair with them when it comes to not one break down but two…the left my kids in 115 degree heat in Blythe for over 6 hours…next day was worse!@


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