>”There’s a time and a place for porn and work isn’t it.”
“Martyrs have no place in this office.”
“Crazy comes in many flavors.”
“I hate having neighbors.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s crack in my Jamba Juice.”
“You’ll never find a straight single guy in the wine aisle.”
“You need to reharness that righteous anger you had yesterday.”
>Jamba juice is my favorite! We don’t have it on the East Coast though, so I haven’t had it in quite some time. 🙁
I like your list. Have a nice weekend!
>I never really knew what a “Matryrs” was so I looked it up, (which was a tad more difficult due to your misspellling) but that notwithstanding, I agree that there’s no room for them in the office, but if you’re not going to tolerate THAT, then you might have to allow maybe just the softest of porn now and again.
>You’re right–I’m rarely in the wine aisle.
>Dammit. That’s what I get for drinking and typing at the same time. Plus, I should have used the spellchecker.
You’re right…I’d rather deal with porn than a martyr.
I hate the people who say, “It’s not my job, but I did it anyway.” Screw you. If it’s not your job, don’t freaking do it. Otherwise, shut the hell up about it.
>Hello !
greetings from Belgium !
>You are quickly becoming my favorite one-liner author.
>Thanks! I don’t have the attention span or patience to write anything longer.