>Real Estate help in exchange for … – m4w – 44
Date: 2005-08-08, 10:54AM PDT
I can help you buy and/or sell a house for a DEEP discount in exchange for your “friendship” during the process. Women only pls. Our “arrangement” can be discreet if necessary and will have to be on my side.
I am a successful real estate salesperson and am very serious. UB2
Dude, we can see through your lame euphemisms. His real estate skills are probably as good as his other ones.
>haha. I bet *I* could help a chick buy or sell a house in exchange for her “friendship” too! And I have zero real-estate experience. We could even remain “friends” AFTER the process. I’m nice like that.
>By the way, my “postID” for the previous post was 11235569678237727. If that’s a sequential number, people have been posting on blogger.com every second for 356 million years!