>Which is a good thing because I really don’t want to have to find another full time job. I am however, going to find a part time job because I just need a little breathing room.
One thing that is inescapable at all jobs is the weirdos. Whether you work with them or if you have to deal with the general public, you inevitably have a weirdo you have to deal with.
Today, we got a complaint about a smell. “There is a smell of vinegar or popcorn and it’s upsetting me.”
Personally, I find the smell of a backed up sewage line upsetting. Any type of cooking fish smells upsetting.
>There’s always at least one!
>Dane Cook says it’s the same guy at every job. You leave one job to get away from the creepy guy (with his blobby shape and too many pens in his pocket) and go to another job and you run into the SAME GUY. (It’s me. I like pens.)
>Certain types of cheese and Indian people are smells I could do without. If you play basketball early in life outside in Texas with many different races of people, you learn to deal with just about any offensive scent (albeit for a short period of time).
>I wish I could move our office to a different building. Where the freaks were of a different type, more sophisticated.
>There is an elderly guy who retired at my place of work, but still comes in occasionaly to use the phone. When he comes in, I can tell he has entered the building because the smell of his extra powerful cologne fills the entire office space. On the rare occasion that I must answer his phone, I catch myself saying…”DON’T DO IT”! But too late – the smell has attached itself from his handset to my hand, and invariably I can’t get it OFF. GROSSSS. It slays me.