But I just saw a commercial for BloPens and I swear it looked like BloPenis. Sometimes the dyslexia entertains me. Do any kids really want this crap? I mean who the hell wants Floam? or a Hoverdisc?
I have to say that the As Seen on TV website has some interesting stuff on it, like the Screamer Alarm Clock. It’s a little misleading as I thought it would have someone screaming at the top of their lungs, “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” But, it’s just the old fashioned bells.
Speaking of random stuff…
Does anyone use water fountains anymore? I’ve seen a couple recently and wondered who is using them. With the advent of bottled water, water fountains have taken on a garden hose quality when it comes to thirst quenching.
>water fountain? what the hell is that???
>They have a couple of water fountains at the gym, and at school, but that’s about it.
I swear, if you told me everyone would be so crazy for bottled water 20 years ago, I would have laughed in your face.
“Buy stock in water? Water’s free isn’t it?”
Oh, well…
>We have one outside the men’s bathroom at work. I fill Dixie cups with water from it and drink it at my desk all day. It’s fine for me but I’m old-fashioned I guess.
>I kinda think floam is cool – I think my younger sibs would probably disagree with me though.