Since it’s obvious my invitation was lost in the mail, I read about it online. I love this bit from a Chronicle article:
He said he sees California as a place where the environment is clean, roads and ports are built and improved, schools are first-rate, and the government represents the mainstream rather than the fringes.
I don’t know what California he lives in, but it’s not the same place I currently reside. My car and I beg to differ about the quality of the roads. The Garden Highway alone is riddled with 6 axle breaking potholes. Maybe he means that’s what he envisions for Southern California.
I also enjoyed the line up of celebrities in attendance:
The event itself featured the music of guitarist José Feliciano, who performed the National Anthem, and Tony Award winning artist Jennifer Holliday, who sang “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going.”
A few days earlier and we could have all heard Feliz Navidad!
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown served as master of ceremonies, and celebrities including good Schwarzenegger friends Rob Lowe and Tom Arnold attended the event.
Friday night is a black-tie gala where Paul Anka will perform special rendition of “My Way,” including original lyrics, written as a tribute to the governor.
Good lord, I hope I don’t have to see that on the 11:00 news.
Note to the AP writer of this article: Schwarzenegger won because he is a movie star not because he distanced himself from George W. Bush.
Anyone want to take bets on whether or not he actually maintains a residence in Sacramento this time around? Staying at the hotel across from the Capitol does not count.