>Good Samaritan

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>I’m trying to be more positive. I just saw this post on Craigslist:

Found $$ at Laurel Village (laurel hts / presidio)

Reply to: anon-44720734@craigslist.org

Date: 2004-10-06, 12:58PM PDT

I found some cash on the ground at Laurel Village this morning. If you can tell me where you dropped it, how much it is, and the denominations, to prove it’s yours, I’ll return it. Otherwise it goes to charity.

Let me be honest. If I had found some cash just lying around the street, I would at first check to see if the person who dropped it was around and attempt to return it to them. But if I couldn’t find said person, I would keep it for myself.

I admire this person for making the effort not only to find the rightful “owner” of the cash, but also for donating it should that person not come forward. Sure, I could be my usual cyncial self and just think that the post is false, but I’d rather take the optimistic perspective.

They are trying to put some positive energy into the world and I admire that. It’s not easy to do sometimes.

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