>By the way…

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>I never want to get pregnant. EVER. God bless birth control!

I can only assume that any woman who wants to get pregnant is completely nuts or utterly uninformed. There is no way any rational human being would ever willingly put themselves through the torture that is labor.

That being said, I do have a new found respect for mothers. Any time that child acts up, I will be right there to remind him what his mother went through in order to get him here.

6 thoughts on “>By the way…

  1. SFChick74

    >I’ve had way too much drama for one year. No one else is allowed to give birth or get sick or anything out of the norm!

  2. ajooja

    >My 19-year-old daughter is about to give birth to my first grandchild next month. I’m pretty excited about being a young grandpa instead of us having any more kids.

    When this kid give me shit, I can just give him to his mother and tell her to shut him up. 🙂

  3. tsduff

    >I’m happy to be done with the childbearing years. Sincerely happy. Now what can I do about these stretchmarks?


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