>I Love TV

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The TV in question

For whatever reason, some people seem to think not having cable or satellite TV is a mark of honor.  Not to me.  I love watching TV.  My whole summer vacation used to revolve around it as a kid.  I hated weekends during the summer because nothing good was on TV.  Games shows, soap operas and sitcoms entertained me from 9 in the morning to 11 at night. 

Now I find myself in a situation where I am seriously considering canceling my DirecTV service.  Why?  It’s monetary.  My bills are paid in full each month, but I have almost nothing leftover afterwards to save up for a rainy day, which is also known as Christmas. 

The situation is about to get worse.  My office is shifting from a bi-monthly pay schedule to a bi-weekly one.  While this will be better in the long run, in the short run each paycheck will be smaller.  In order to prevent unnecessary stress, I need to take action now and save money for this impending change.

Part of me is annoyed that nothing good is ever on anymore, which will take some of the sting out of living in the over the air TV world.  Part of me is worried that I might end up dating a guy who likes to watch TV as much as I do only to discover I’m too poor to afford decent TV reception.  Part of me wonders what the hell I will do when any sort of visitor comes over?  Talk to them?  Pshaw, I say!

3 thoughts on “>I Love TV

  1. Peeved Michelle

    >I love TV, too. I miss it. We haven't had TV for ages. We watch everything online now, or streaming from Netflix, or on DVDs. Two reasons for not having TV service: time and money.

  2. Miss M

    >We should go cry in a glass of cheap wine together sometime. 🙁 I just got word my company is going to close its doors. I'll know next week when I'll be laid off.

  3. SFChick74

    >Michelle – I can understand money being a reason for not having cable or satellite. What I don't get are these people who eschew television as being evil or stupid. To them I say, get over yourself.

    Miss M – I'm so sorry to hear that! What a nightmare. Yes, let's have a cheap glass of wine soon.


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