>I didn’t watch last season because the whole thing just seemed lame. But now Joey Lawrence is competing and I’m compelled to watch. He’s attractive yet scary with that bald head of his. I’ll tell you right now, I’m voting for him. Yes, I’m lame and no I never had a crush on him when he was on Blossom.
Sarah Evans is next. Not really sure who she is since I don’t listen to her music. She’s obviously a Country Western singer since she’s not whorish enough to be a pop singer. The music they picked, however, is outstanding. How many people do the fox trot to Barry Manilow’s Mandy?
Tucker Carlson is on this show? I might have to stop watching it. I really can’t stand this bowtie wearing jackass. Was he just wearing red pants and a blue polo shirt in that clip? Good lord! No one has been able to pull off red pants since 1982 and they still haven’t. And if what they say about dancing is true, I’m going to have nightmares. I really don’t want to imagine what that guy would be like in bed. Thank God for Tivo. I can just skip right past him talking.
Monique Coleman, again not sure who she is…is she related to Gary Coleman? Oh, she’s in that High School musical thingy. She’s bland filler. Again, Tivo saves the day.
“I’m Emmitt Smith.” Ok, the only way I know this guy is from those silly Visa commercials. I’ll admit, I know he used to be a football player, but I couldn’t tell you which team he played on. He’s not a bad dancer. He looks like he’s having fun too. Ok, they just did the snake or whatever. I might have to vote for him too.
Willa Ford? I thought your song was sung by Britney Spears. She gets points for dancing to Spandeau Ballet. However, this song will now be stuck in my head for the rest of the week. Ah, ha, ha, haaa, ha. I know this much is true.
OH MY GOD. Tom Jones is going to be on this show tomorrow night.
Mario Lopez. Have you really been Saved by the Bell? I was never really a big fan of Slater or whoever he played on that show. I watched Out of this World instead. Steve Burton was so dreamy.
Blogger screwed up my post and lost the rest of it. I’m too tired to rewind the Tivo and rewrite everything again.
>I am going to have to watch! I love me some Joey, and Tom Jones is a legend!
>Emmitt Smith is the NFL’s all-time leading rusher. So don’t vote for him. He’s accomplished enough already.