Regret: A rare thing

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This time last year, I was gearing up for BlogHer. This year, I’m not going and I totally regret it. The time I spent in San Diego was like being on a real vacation. I felt relaxed and had an outstanding time… Don’t tell anyone, but it was better than Vegas. Yes, Vegas!

The real reason that it was great was because of the awesome people with whom I spent time.  Some of them are going to this year’s BlogHer in New York City and I am hating the fact that I am not.  I was being practical. I was going to buy a condo.  Remember that?

Fuck being practical.  Fine. Don’t screw it over completely, but I promise that next year, regardless of where the conference will be held, I will be there.

Also, I’ve been looking into going to Blog World Expo or New Media Expo or whatever clever name it has this year.  It’s in Las Vegas, which anyone who’s read my blog for more than a day knows is my happy place. The thing is…the money.  Do you see this finely crafted spreadsheet?

That’s right.  It’s going to cost about $700.  But that doesn’t include cabs, food and any other soft costs I can think of at the moment.  Now if I could find a roommate, that would cut out about $150, which would help, but I still have to get over my miserly ways.

Luckily for me, one small emotional breakdown usually pushes me to spend money to raise my spirits, so this time next week I might be all signed up!

I need to do more research.  What are the sessions like?  Is the Expo Hall going to score me some really sweet freebies like I got at BlogHer?  There are just so many variables to consider.

The one thing I do want to do is attend more writing conferences.  I was going to go to the Erma Bombeck humor conference, but of course, money was an issue.  I guess I shouldn’t regret not going.  Everything happens for a reason, right?

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