>Citrus Heights: A place I keep forgetting about

>Can someone explain why I haul my ass all the way up to Roseville to shop?  I mean I can’t shop at Arden Fair Mall unless I need an adrenaline rush and feel like practicing my self-defense skills.  OK, maybe the mall isn’t that bad, but it has gotten pretty sketchy over the last five years.  And five years ago was about the last time I went to Sunrise Mall.  I think I went to Macys and/or JC Penney.  All I remember is that I was shocked at how nice the place was. 

I really hope the people in charge of marketing the joint read this and realize that they aren’t getting the job done because I never went back.  Instead I patronized the closest mall to me, fretting and complaining about the clientele, lack of inventory, and general lame vibe of it.  Then when I felt like venturing to a different location in order to stimulate the economy, Sunrise Mall never even crossed my mind.  I mean, it can’t be any worse than Arden Fair, right?  Have they banned hooded sweatshirts in Citrus Heights or is it just Sacramento?

Much like the rest of the world, I have a lot going on and tend to forget what’s out there.  As much as I hate most commercials, the ones that get heavy rotation tend to be remembered for better or for worse. (I’m talking about you Head-on…apply directly to the forehead) 

3 thoughts on “>Citrus Heights: A place I keep forgetting about

  1. Susan

    >I live really close to Sunrise Mall and still avoid going there. well….I should clarify: I avoid all internal malls! instead, ask me how many times I go to Birdcage or to the outside mall across the street from the Galleria….totally better IMO!

  2. Ms. Chick

    >I always forget about Birdcage too. Maybe all malls are just a little bit scary regardless of location?

  3. Mrs. Miscellanea

    >I love the Sunrise Mall, too.
    Plus, how can you go wrong with $3.50 movies? :0
    But i totally forget about it all the dang time, and I would rather gouge my own eyes out than go to the Arden Mall. Too many people!


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