>PMS is Not a Case of the Mondays

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>What I experienced was a bad combination of PMS and general frustration with mechanical break downs that just happened on a Monday. 

First the work email on my phone refused to download from the server.  So, after trying various tricks that did nothing but remove all of my appointments and contacts in the process, I sent a message to the (un)help desk.   

Then the other office machines started becoming self aware and rebelling against me.  “You want to scan a document and send it to a client? Think again, bitch!” 

The giant pile of homemade fudge in the break room didn’t help matters.  I’m pretty sure the devil himself sent the sweet old lady who made it.  Five pieces in, I was filled with sugar and regret.  By the end of the day, the anger and frustration had subsided, but only because of sheer exhaustion and a sugar crash. 

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