>That’s Interesting

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>On the advice of my mom, I’ve decided to find a hobby to help me just feel happier and help me stop focusing on what’s missing in my life.

Anyway, I didn’t know where to begin since nothing is really tickling my fancy, so I Googled “hobbies”. This website had a list of hobbies, some of which I’m not sure are hobbies.

These are clearly hobbies: Belly dancing, hiking, and knitting.

However, cigar smoking, jet engines, and rocking AIDS babies seems to be stretching the description a bit.

And as much as I enjoy it, I’m pretty sure people would laugh if I told them TV watching was my hobby.

About Amy Ruiz Fritz

Wine drinker, LEGO minifigure enjoyer, movie watcher, furniture re-arranger, Nook reader, traveler, online shopper, aphorism collector, cheese lover, humor blogger?

1 thought on “>That’s Interesting

  1. Miss M

    >You should come volunteer at Project RIDE. It's fun to help out kids who weren't dealt a fair hand in life. They're always happy to be there, cool people volunteer there, so you're just surrounded by great people. It's really rewarding, and if you consistently volunteer on a certain night, you'll get to know the kids really well. That's one of my "hobbies" if you will. 🙂


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