>Do you ever have the feeling like you’re about to fall into a rut?
Maybe I just feel this way because it’s the post holiday blues. I don’t feel depressed though. I just feel blah. It’s not necessarily bad. It’s just blah.
There aren’t any men vexing me. Maybe that’s the problem. The general vexation with men is there. It’s ever present in my brain. I’m just not being emotionally tortured by a specific male at this juncture.
I should probably be happy about that. I feel kind of blah about it. It’s like someone tuned my life to the Easy Listening station. It’s OK, but after a while, I’m going to want to hear some guitar and bass. Bring on the rock!
Yeah. I know I sound like a spoiled brat. Waaah. My life is boring.
But, my life isn’t boring. It’s just without passion right now. I don’t want a huge dose of it. I just want a sprinkling for flavor.
>I recommend chocolate pudding and a puppy! Always seems to work for me. 🙂
>lol! Chocolate pudding is a great idea! Can I just rent the puppy? 🙂
>I complete understand. You're not sad…there's just no one around exciting you or blowing your mind with witty repartee or knocking your socks off. Part of life. Sucky part. But a part nonetheless. *insert some sort of good advice…though basically when this happens to my I just read some books or look for inspiration elsewhere* 😉