Exercise Equipment? |
Are you paying someone to clean your house and to let you exercise at their gym? Why not pay me instead and combine the two bills? I will come over to your home and yell at you to clean your filthy house. Look at those baseboards! What the heck is that under the bed? Have you moved this rug…ever? That box collecting dust in the corner…tear it up with your bare hands for a “cross” fit work out in your own back yard!
Do you really need all that stuff under your sink in the bathroom? When was the last time you bothered to clean the grout?
In the old days, why were our ancestors so skinny when they pretty much fried everything they ate? I’m glad you asked. It was thanks to old fashioned labor! Why pay a maid to clean your house? Don’t have the time? But you have the time to change clothes, drive to the gym, park, work out, shower, and drive home?
Don’t bother buying specialty equipment…unless it’s a mop.
Forget the leaf blower. Use an old fashioned rake to get an upper arm work out.
How did I come up with the CH Method of exercise? For the past three days, I’ve been cleaning out my house to prepare to move out. My mom asked me when was the last time I dusted the baseboards. Um, never? While I was tearing up a box that my HDTV came in…4 years ago, it hit me. I can lose weight and get strong simply by doing house work and yard work! It’s genius!
Now, if you still feel the need to have someone yell at you for motivation, feel free to contact me and you can pay me a gazillion dollars to “coach” you while you “work out”.