I saw these in a gift store in Alaska. They appeal to such a wide range of personalities. John 3:16, Lover, Maniac, Mom’s Taxi…
Interesting how all of the Taken tags are gone, but the God (Heart) Me are still available. Could someone please explain the WDJD? I assume it has something to do with Jesus.
>Ha! I wonder if Jesus copyrighted WWJD so they have to vary a bit.
>when did jesus die?
whoa! did jesus die?
we dig jelly donuts.
>what did jesus do?
who did jesus dig?
what did jesus drink?
>Those are some classic keychains – which one(s) did you get? It’s ok, you can tell us, we won’t judge 🙂
>Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to get one. The clerks in the store were looking at me funny, so I got scared and left. I didn’t want to mess with the locals.